Katrina. Our Tsunami?
Katrina. Our Tsunami? Read this heated blog post and hear the crazy ignorant comments that people are shouting, as if they don't have one bone of sympathy in their body. As if they don't understand the poverty and racism, that is deeply rooted within the communities that Katrina has hurt the most. It's hard to believe that people can say such things and know that many honestly believe that that racism does not exist in America!
Someone began the post as follows:
I was reading U.S.A. Today thismorning and there was a local from New Orleans that made the comment "This is our Tsunami", and since he made that comment, i have seen that on the news, and heard news reportes saying "Katrina, Our Tsunami". They are saying this was such a huge devistation and SOOO many deaths. Wait though. How many people are estimated dead from Katrina? A couple Thousand? Alright, well how many died from the Tsunami a few months ago? Ohhh...a Couple HUNDRED thousand. How can we compare this to that tsunami? People over there are STILL dieng from disease, starvation, and all other sorts of crap. This is Nowhere NEAR that tsunami.
Project 21 Responds to Black Caucus Criticism of Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts
"The comments and actions of the Congressional Black Caucus were morally opprobrious and divisive," said Project 21 member Mychal Massie. "It is beneath the level of sane discourse for the Congressional Black Caucus to suggest that blacks are suffering more than the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have been displaced."
Adding to these comments, Project 21 member Kevin Martin points out: "Several of the Congressional Black Caucus' members have districts that have been devastated by this natural disaster. But rather than offering encouragement to those federal, state, local, and private citizens who are responding to this natural disaster, they would rather fan the fames of partisan rhetoric and hatred."
Posted on Freerepublic.com
I can't believe that people are so blind to these injustices that are so clearly apparent. How can anyone honestly justify a four day delay when 1) There was prior knowledge of the storms deadly impact 2) The US has reacted much more quickly in other situations. It hurts me deeply to read the type of excuses that so many Americans are making for our government. Even Ms. Rice...
(AP) Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice defended President Bush on Sunday against charges that the government's sluggish response to Hurricane Katrina showed racial insensitivity.
"Nobody, especially the president, would have left people unattended on the basis of race," the administration's highest-ranking black said as she toured damaged parts of her native Alabama.
Posted on CBS News
I personally enjoy the AfricanAmerica.org Forum. There you will find a number of concerned, intelligent black people, who have something of substance to say about our issues and concerns, especially with respect to Hurricane Katrina.
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